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Weather Committee

This group provides leadership within the Norman weather community via quarterly luncheons that serve as a crossroads for all stakeholders. The lunches are held at the National Weather Center and feature speakers and discussion among the members. The annual National Weather Festival is a project of the Weather Committee.

Meets quarterly
(Please review our Calendar for meeting dates & times)

4 Partners Place
301 David L. Boren Blvd, Room 3065

Co-Chairs: Deidra Peters, Great Plains Bank, and Pat Hyland, National Weather Center

Staff: Chan Klingensmith

Weather Committee Goals

  • Provide leadership within the Norman weather community via regular meetings that serve as a crossroads for all stakeholders.
  • Educate Norman residents and the State’s citizenry regarding the weather enterprise and ways in which it contributes to economic growth and improves quality of life.
  • Continue promoting the National Weather Museum and Science Center in Norman.
  • Continue sponsoring and promoting the National Weather Festival.
  • Encourage participation of non-meteorology professionals on the Chamber Weather Committee and increase the participation of graduate and undergraduate students from a variety of disciplines.